Outside of IYL, I’ve been a bit absent on the blogosphere and twittersphere lately. Moving has kept me VERY busy, but I have missed my book world a lot and I’m excited to start diving back into it and playing catch up. I’m in LA now, and most of my settling in is done. I’m unpacked and I’ve crossed most of my big to-do items off of my list. (One of those items was renewing my library card so that I could start putting holds on a million books and reminding the librarians here why they used to love me so much.)
In other thrilling news, after being in LA for all of….a week….I have a job! I’m starting work at Hulu next week, and I’m ridiculously happy about this next step in life. There’s still going to be a lot of adjusting for a while, but I have one more week of vacation (or being an unemployed, lazy bum) in which to catch up on reviews and read by the pool. Once I start work, I will be commuting quite a bit, so I will likely be stocking up on audiobooks from the library and podcasts online.
I have no intention of giving up on blogging–I love all of my blog people way too much for that–so we’ll just be playing things by ear and seeing what kinds of changes I may have to make to squeeze everything into the all too limited number of hours in the day. (Tips from those who blog while holding down full time jobs are welcome.)
So now that I’m back, what have I missed, blogger friends? Do you have any fun news to share from the last couple weeks? Summer books you want to make sure everyone in the world knows about? Things you’ve read lately that I MUST read during my remaining vacation? Audiobooks that I should start ordering or podcasts that I need to download for my commute to work?